Embrace the $1.8 Trillion Opportunity as Space Thrives

Image: Unsplash/NASA

Get ready to blast off into a whole new frontier because space is where it's at! Did you know that by 2035, the space economy is expected to hit a mind-blowing $1.8 trillion? 

That's right – trillion with a 't'!

Right now, space-powered technologies are not just for rocket scientists and astronauts.

They're everywhere! From weather forecasts to those well-designed smartwatches on your wrist, space tech is changing the game for industries like retail, food and beverage, transportation, and disaster relief. 

It's like the future is knocking on our atmosphere's door, and we'd better answer!

According to the bigwigs at the World Economic Forum, "space innovations are opening doors for all sorts of folks, not just the rocket nerds."

As costs drop and accessibility skyrockets, space tech is set to shake up entire industries, just like smartphones and cloud computing did back in the day.

So, what's the deal with space until 2035? Here's the lowdown:

1. Space will be the economy of tomorrow

By 2035, we're talking a whopping $1.8 trillion space economy! 

That's up from $630 billion in 2023, and it's growing faster than your grandma's prize-winning tomatoes.

It's all thanks to space-based technologies like communications, navigation, and Earth observation.

2. Space will not be just for aliens anymore

Forget little green men – space is where the real action is! 

Traditional space stuff is taking a backseat to ride-hailing apps and other cool services that rely on space tech, like satellites. 

It's like the Wild West up there, and everyone's invited to the party!

3. Space will bring people together

Imagine a world where space connects us all – because that's the future we're heading towards! 

By 2035, industries like supply chains, food and beverage, defence, retail, and digital communications will be driving 60% of the global space economy. 

It's like a cosmic block party, and everyone's invited! 

4. Space will be more than just dollars and cents

Space isn't just about making money – it's about making a difference! 

From disaster relief to climate monitoring, space tech is stepping up to tackle some of humanity's biggest challenges. 

It's like having a superhero in a spacesuit!

Embracing the possibilities offered by space

"Organizations in a developing assortment of areas -, for example, horticulture, development, protection, environmental change moderation 

- can and will all be drivers of the new and growing space economy," 

said Ryan Brukardt, 

Senior Accomplice, McKinsey and Company. 

"By getting it and embracing the maximum capacity of the room, public and confidential industry players can situate themselves as pioneers in the space economy, opening long haul benefits."

While the report conjectures the worldwide space economy to reach $1.8 trillion by 2035, 

a potential gain gauge of $2.3 trillion could be in play given further developed admittance to information and diminished expenses of room passage.

On the other hand, if there is slowed-down admittance to space and huge Earth-based mechanical headways, rather than those in space, 

the report gauges a disadvantage gauge of $1.4 trillion.

One way or the other, by understanding and embracing the potential for space, public and confidential players the same will be all around set to assist with opening its heap of expected applications - to serve everybody.

But wait, there's more! 

With launch costs dropping faster than a shooting star and investments reaching record highs, the sky's the limit for what we can do in space. 

From satellites to space tourism, the possibilities are endless!

So, buckle up and get ready for the ride of a lifetime. 

Space isn't just the final frontier – it's the ultimate opportunity. 



                                    Written by Jane Brown

Jane Brown is on a mission to transform mindsets and elevate success. Dive into her world of audacious thinking and unlock the keys to a greater you.                      


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